Crowd Pleasing Aerials
Professional Quality Multi-Shot Aerials
Multi-Shot Aerials
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Multi-Shot Aerials
Each multi-shot launches many colored balls 50' or more into the air. They are bright, colorful, & loud. We have quite a variety! Effects include beautiful breaks, whistling, commets, reports, squiggling fish, and crackling. If you are looking for something larger, check out our Professional Quality Multi-Shot Aerials.
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Garden in Spring - 7 Shots (CE)
Colored fountain to Colored Breaks Fountain: Red and green sparkler with chrysanthemum Aerial: Red and green sparkler with report.
7 shots. 25s

Bone Yard
Brocade Crowns and Silver Mums w/Crackling.
7 shots. 18 seconds

Honey Badger
Green, Blue, and Red with Lots of Sparkle! Effects: Red sparkler, grass green sparkler, white glitter sparkler, sky blue sparkler, grass green sparkler, white glitter sparkler, red sparkler, grass green sparkler, sky blue sparkler, white glitter sparkle
7 shots. 17 seconds

Don't Wake Up the Bear
Colorful Comets with Crackling! Red, Green, Yellow, White, Blue, Comet Tail Ends with Comet Tail and Crackling
105 shots. 27 seconds

Make My Day
Stunning Glitter and Golden Crackle Fan Awesome multi-break performance.
114 shots. 49s

Total Seduction
Colorful! Mines, Fish, Falling Leaves! Effects: Time rain mine, silver glitter red falling leaves, white glitter, red blue silver fish, blue golden glitter, purple blue green red glitter, green falling leaves, red blue yellow green golden fish, red blue purple green yellow chrysanthemum
16 shots. 15 seconds

Bug Eyed (Bug Eye)
Colorful Comet Trails! Orange and Green! Whistle and Crackle! Effects: Red comet tail; golden glitter willow tail; whistle tail; green comet tail; red star; yellow star; mum whistles and crackles
86 shots. 60 seconds

Happy Trails
Colored Stars with Mums: Effects: Silver glitter mine with red tail with silver spinner to red stars. Silver glitter mine with red tail with silver spinner to blue stars. Silver glitter mine with gold tail with red blue stars and white glitter. Silver glitter mine with gold tail to time mine chrysanthemum.
60 shots. 18 seconds

Smoke Dragon
Daytime Smoke with Crackles! Purple, green, blue, and yellow smoke dragon tails to crackles.
16 shots. 20s

Colorful Mines and Stars Colors: Red, Blue, Silver, Green, Gold Effects: Brocade crown, chrysanthemum, spider, star mine, tail
70 shots. 30s

Skull Force (BullRider)
Colored Palms and Comets w/ Sparkle! Variety and Color! 'Z' A. 5 titanium golden palm, blue sparkler, white glitter B. 5 titanium golden palm, green sparkler, red glitter C. 6 white glitter mine, red comet tail D. 5 white glitter mine, green comet tail E. 5 white glitter mine, purple comet tail F. 5 white glitter mine, lemon comet tail G. 5 titanium golden palm, purple sparkler, green glitter H. 5 titanium golden palm, red glitter, white glitter, blue sparkler, silver chrysanthemum
41 shots. 17s

Crackling Colored Palm*(WC)16s
Beautiful Colored Breaks! Crackles!
16 shots. 25 seconds

BC Fireworks Fiesta 96's
Awesome! Mini Angle 'Z' Comets with a Party of Effects! Mini 'Z' Angle. Effects: color pearl, crackle with bouquet, crackle with comet tail, whistle
96 shots. 47 seconds

Motor Mouth
Z Finale! - Colored Pearls with Mini-Breaks! Effects: red, silver and green comet tails; green to red, red to blue, purple to yellow; red and green bees; red, blue and green bouquet with loud whistles; red, silver and green comet tails with report; green to red, red to blue and purple to yellow with report
96 shots. 30 seconds

Going Haywire 300's, BC
Tails, Colors, Crackles, Reports! 1. Green whistle tail to report 2. Red whistle to crackling star 3. White glittering star and whistle tail to report
300 shots. 56 seconds

300 Shot Saturn Missile Battery WC New Style
Whistling Rockets Zoom in the Sky!
300 shots. 85 seconds

Purple and Pink!
25 shots. 48s

Pit Crew
Big gold brocade crown effects with mines
25 shots. 47 seconds

Colorful with Crackling and Whistling! Tails, bees, whistle, crackling effects. Colors of red, silver, green, blue, purple, yellow, and gold. Mini 'Z'
96 shots. 43

The Cowboy
Peonies with Strobes! Twinkly! White glitter mine, red glitter sparkler, green glitter sparkler, white glitter sparkler.
25 shots. 48 seconds

Just Hanging
Orange sparkler, white glitter sparkler, silver time rain
25 shots. 48 seconds

300 Shot Killer Skeeters
300 Shot Saturn Missile! Silver tails, whistles, and pops!
300 shots. 82s

Exciting crackle mines and breaks, colorful stars, and effects from ground to sky.
19 shots. 28s

Redneck Riviera BC
Red, Blue, and Green Stars W/ Glitter Effects: 1. Red, blue and green pillar. 2. Red, green and blue star with white glitter.
25 shots. 18s

Extreme Ride
Sky blue with green glitter, silver glitter with mine to silver glitter with red falling leaves, red glitter mine to green falling leaves.
16 shots. 20 seconds

Pasta Party
Mutli- Colored Stars with Glitter Effects: Gold glitter tail with red stars, green glitter tail with silver stars, brocade brown tail with blue stars, silver spider, crackling tail, blue tail to purple stars and green glitter.
50 shots. 19 seconds

Big, Bigger, Biggest, Bright, Brighter, Brightest
6 Different Cakes! Colorful Glitter with Mums and Brocades!
16 shots.

Heart Aches
Crackling, Time Rain, and Blue Stars!
25 shots. 26 seconds

Variety of Breaks, some with Crackle. Nice. Effects: Blue tail to red blue with time rain, blue tail to purple green with time rain Timed Rain is a special effect with large glittering sparks that make a sizzling noise.
25 shots. 24 seconds

Killer Panda
Great 200g cake with comet tails, brocade crown, and mum effects...Glitter Tails. Slow angled 'Z'
50 shots. 23 seconds

Grapes Over Vineyard (WC)
Crackling Dragon Tails with Breaks! Effects: Crackling dragon tails to multicolored bouquets with crackle.
25 shots. 28 seconds

3 Pack - Chili Pepper/Jaw Breaker/Road Show
Chili Pepper Red and Green Coconuts with Gold Tails! Jaw Breaker Colored Crackling Popcorn! Effects: twelve shots of bright yellow morph into red, blue and green; eight shots of beautiful purple stars and amazing scatter crackle; Finale - scatter crackle, vibrant yellow stars and amazing crackling tails Road Show Crackling Mums!
20 shots. 24 seconds

6 Assorted 16 Shot (Boomer) After Burner, Gone Bananas, Eye of the Tiger, Turning Heads, Sexy Girl, War Hog Motorcycle
After Burner - Red Breaks w/Green Tips Gone Bananas - Red, White, and Blue w/Swirling Silver Tails Eye of the Tiger - Red, Green, and Blue Brocades w/Tails Turning Heads - Golden Waves then Crackles Sexy Girl - Red, Purple, and Green w/Swirling Tails War Hog Motorcycle - Red, Green, and Blue Pistils w/Tails
16 shots. 22 seconds

Land of the Free- WC
Large Red, White, and Blue Breaks with Reports!
20 shots. 30 seconds

Dawg Tired
red tail goes up to break brocade crown to red tip; green tail goes up to break brocade crown to green; and repeat.last 4 shots a finale!
16 shots.

Cocktail Party CE
Crackling Red, Green, Yellow Palms! 1. Red Palm and Crackling 2. Green Palm and Crackling 3. Yellow Palm and Crackling
16 shots. 23 seconds

Absolute Evil CE 16 Shots
Silver Tails Rises to Red, White, and Blue!
16 shots. 24 seconds

Boxing King
Red White and Blue Bursting Mines. Crackling Mums.
100 shots. 42 seconds

Truck Yeah
Silver Mine to Crackling Mum! Two Tiered Effect. Effects: silver mum mine to red, green, and silver mum; purple, green, and silver mum; Finale - red, plum, and silver mums
16 shots. 23s

Evil Clown 200g CE
Green Comet Tail to White Glitter with Crackling.
16 shots. 16 seconds

Hillbilly Hottub
Red and Green Palms with Crackle. Effects: Red tail to red peony, green tail to green coconut, blue tail to blue peony with white glitter
16 shots. 10 seconds

Mighty Cobra 19 shot CE
Crackling Comets!
19 shots. 24 seconds

Saturn Missile Battery 100 shots CE
100 Screaming Zanny Shots!
100 shots.

Tracer Rounds CE 121 shots
121 shots. 25 seconds

Global Warning (WC)
Red and white glitter mums!
9 shots. 10 seconds

Neon Eyes
Mines, Stars, and Crackle! Crackling mine to red stars and white glitter. Crackling mine to green stars and white glitter.
16 shots. 19 seconds

Red, Blue, Purple Peony, Time Rain!
9 shots. 9 seconds

At It Again
Green, Blue and Gold Stars and Tails! Green tail purple green glitter, blue tail to blue star with gold glitter, silver tail silver palm report
9 shots. 18 seconds

Dark Ghost
Red and Green Breaks w/Crackle.
9 shots. 7 seconds

Desert At Night
Fountain Effects and Floral Breaks! Classic.
7 shots. 20 seconds

Quiet. Good Breaks for a Little Cake. Effects: Red, crackle, and palm
7 shots. 7 seconds

Cover Yo' Ears
Loud! Green Bursts with Strobes and Crackles!
7 shots. 12 seconds

25 Shot Saturn Missile Battery WC
Whistling Rockets Zoom in the Sky!
25 shots. 10 seconds
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